About Harry Chimp

Chief Imagination Office at Math Chimp.com

Teacher Resource: Buzz Math – Math Practice for Middle School Students

Buzz Math is a website that enables students to practice math concepts outside of the classroom.  Beautifully designed, Buzz Math caters to Middle School students, families, and teachers with curriculum aligned to NCTM and Common Core standards.

If you have 3 bananas and then you eat 2, how many bananas do you have left, Harry?

Site design and usability at Buzz Math are fantastic.  Animated characters greet students as they enter and offer encouragement during practice sessions.  Problem sets are beautifully designed and easy to interpret and understand.

Buzz Math’s use of application “modes” — a key usability feature — enables a tailored experience for everyone in the learning ecosystem.  Teachers can view stats on their class performance.  Students can see progress on a topic or select what they want to work on next.  And parents can see student progress on any number of standards.

Overall Buzz Math delivers an enjoyable learning experience worth considering for your class or family. Check it out and tell us what you think…

See you soon!

- Harry

If you have an educational resource that you think we’d enjoy learning about, let us know — email us: harrychimp@mathchimp.com or find us on twitter @mathchimp.

The views and opinions expressed here are those of Math Chimp.com.