About Harry Chimp

Chief Imagination Office at Math Chimp.com

Math Chimp Expands to Instructional Videos and Practice Worksheets

It’s a big day for Math Chimp — we’ve moved outside our comfort zone!  We’ve been collecting online math games for a while now, and we’ve collected and organized over 200 of the best games on the web.  But in our quest to make Math Chimp the ultimate Common Core resource on the web, we want Math Chimp to be more than just a game directory — We want Math Chimp to be a one-stop-shop for all the best Common Core resources on the web.

Ohh... the bananas are IN the computer?

Expanding to Video and Worksheets
Starting today Math Chimp will post the best math-related instructional videos and practice worksheets for 1st through 8th grades.  We’re excited to include these learning tools and we think teachers, parents, and students will be excited too.

Today we rolled out a new website structure and launched our first 100 videos — mostly from Khan Academy.  We plan to continue expanding aggressively in the upcoming weeks.  Like we did with math games, we will start with 1st grade expand to more advanced material.

Our Vision for the Future
Expanding to videos and worksheets is part of the larger vision for Math Chimp.  We saw an audience for math games, but learning is about much more than playing games.  We want to create an environment where teachers, parents, and students can find resources that help them throughout the learning process.  Games help reinforce what students have learned.  Videos we think can be a supplemental instructional resource.  And worksheets are a great way to assess mastery. Each play an important part in the learning process.

There’s a longer discussion worth visiting later, but it’s safe to say we’re excited about this new addition to the site, and we hope you are too!

Let us know what you think… Find us on Twitter @mathchimp

- Harry